Albion Devices, Inc.
Fireball USB Dimensional Probes and Sensors
Fireball is a generic term that refers to a connector with built-in electronics that allows Albion's temperature sensors and measurement probes to connect to host computers via USB. Fireball connection is childsplay.

LVDT with Fireball

Fireball Adapter

Adapter on sensor

LVDT with Fireball
Fireball Digital Measurement Probes

Low cost, with plug and play USB connectivity
The lowest cost, easiest to use digital gaging probe available. Plug one or more Fireballs (limited only by available ports) into PC USB ports for an instant gaging system.
Two options:
Fireball DG
connects via your computer to our DigiGage gaging software, or
Fireball LD
probes output ASCII characters that can be read by other programs, hyperterminal-type software or saved to a CSV file. No wedge needed. Inch/metric is pre-programmed before shipment from factory. No Albion software required. User provides software.
2mm (0.08 inch), 4mm (0.16 inch) and 8mm (0.31 inch) measurement ranges.
Linear throughout measurement range.
Low cost, user friendly. Instant USB connectivity.
Self contained electronics to provide a digital output, suitable for interfacing to a PC.
Reduces clutter and expense by eliminating innumerable system components.
Cost per channel lower even than LVDT with signal conditioning board.
No expensive external signal conditioning and amplification circuitry required.
Calibrated Range +/-1.0 mm, +/-2.0 m ,or +/-4.0 mm,
Linearity <0.3% of total stroke bsl
Repeatability 0.02um
Bearing Type Linear Ball
Minimum Life 10 million cycles
Moving Mass 6 grams
Anti-rotation Max. 1 degree over full travel
Temperature Range 14 to 149 ºF ( -10 to +65 ºC)
Mounting Position Any position
Ball Tip 3mm tungsten carbide ball – 2.5mm thread
Gaiter Material Viton rubber green
Spring Force 0.63N at electrical zero ± 20%
(option 0.25 - 4N)
Service Transducer is repairable
0.0002 mm/0.00001 inch accuracy and repeatability.
Overall lower system cost than LVDTs or other digital probes.
Used for gaging and positioning measurement.
Pre-calibrated at the factory.
No recurrent re-calibration.
Minimal setup time. Plug and play.
Requires single master only, no MIN and MAX masters.
Quantity depends only on available USB ports on PC, or hubs.
Fireball Digital Temperature Sensors

Plug and play USB connectivity
Easy to use digital temperature probes. Plug one or more Fireballs into PC USB ports and connect to your PC with Albion’s DigiTemp or DigiGage software.
Instant USB connectivity.
°F/0.3C accuracy and repeatability.
No expensive external signal conditioning and amplification circuitry required.
Self contained electronics to provide a digital output, suitable for interfacing to a PC.
Reduces clutter and expense by eliminating innumerable system components.
Pre-calibrated at the factory.
No recurrent re-calibration.
Minimal setup time. Plug and play.
Quantity depends on available USB ports on PC, or hubs.
Optional interface to SPC programs.
Fireball LVDT and Half Bridge Adapter

A low cost way to convert your analog gaging probes to digital gaging probes. Plug one or more Fireball-adapted probes into PC USB ports and connect to our FREE DigiGage for Fireball gaging software for an instant gaging system, or output to other software, such as an SPC or preferred gaging program on your PC.
Low cost, user friendly.
Cost per measurement channel lower even than LVDT with signal conditioning board.
Do it yourself, or have Albion convert your existing LVDTs or half bridges to Fireball USB connectivity.
No expensive external signal conditioning and amplification circuitry required.
Overall lower system cost than LVDTs or other digital probes.
Self contained electronics for a digital output, suitable for interfacing to a PC.
Reduces clutter and expense by eliminating innumerable system components.
Used for gaging and positioning measurement.
Adapts LVDT or half bridge, and increases gaging performance.
Pre-calibrated at the factory.
No recurrent re-calibration.
Minimal setup time. Plug and play.
Requires single master only, so halves the cost of needing MIN and MAX masters.
Quantity usage limited only by number of available USB ports on PC or hubs.
FREE basic gaging software.
Optional interface to SPC programs.