Albion Devices, Inc.
Albion's method
The International Reference Temperature for geometrical product specification, 20°C/68°F, was set by the first standard issued by ISO.
Albion’s temperature compensation systems eliminate over 95% of thermal errors in dimensional measurement systems, or gages. They use a proprietary algorithm to employ variables that are partly user-programmed and partly collected by sensors. These variables include temperatures, nominal size and Coefficients of Expansion of all the “elements” of a measuring system (workpiece, master and gage).
Measurement systems that use Albion’s approach will consistently display dimensional measurements that reflect more accurately the true dimension at 20°C/68°F, regardless of the temperatures of the “elements” mentioned above.
The chart below shows actual test data from an Albion temperature compensated gage in which a part was measured first at room temperature and then heated and repeatedly measuring it as it cooled. Note that the temperature compensated data (blue) correlates strongly with the original size at ambient (green), while the uncompensated size (red) does not.​​